كورس مكافحة الحريق بالعربي للمهندس حسام الدين
Fire Fighting Course
Course contents
Fire science
Fire safety
Fire alarm
Fire fighting
Fire fighting systems
water suppression system
sprinkler system
A) Types of sprinklers
B) Zone station
C) Sprinkler system design (no. of sprinkler, location, net work)
D) Special sprinkler systems :( dry, pre action, deluge)
cabinet systems: (class: I, II, III);
hydrant system;
Siamese connection;
gaseous suppression system…
Weight of gas cylinder;
sequence of operation;
fire extinguisher…
Fire fighting tank
Fire fighting pumps
fire fittings
Types of sprinklers:
1- Glass bulb type
عبارة عن زجاجة بها زئبق والزجاجه غير ممتلئه علي اخرها فكره عملها عندما تزداد درجة الحرارة فيتمدد الزئبق فتنكسر الزجاجه وبالتالي يتم فتح المياه من الرشاش
2- Fusible link type
نفس الفكرة ولكن يتم استبدال الزئبق بوصله قابله للأنصهار
“According to direction of flow”
1- Pendent
- direction of flow down word
- fall ceiling is found
2- Upright
-direction of flow is up word
- fall ceiling not found
- fall ceiling is found: When ceiling void >= 90 cm
3- side wall
-direction of flow is linear